John Boyega
Frontend Developer
A system built to reward developers, engineers, programmers, creators that are making impact in the tech space
Start EndorsingFrontend Developer
Flutter Developer
Android Developer
Shopify Developer
Senior Software Developer
Backend Developer
Signaling and mobilizing your Indivisible group's support for a candidate. Powerful endorsements are not empty statements
Spekni is an amazing service for getting developers noticed for their contributions and assistance in the developer world.
Practically a well thought off and excelent project. It's a big suprise nobody has thought about building something like this before.
Quite amazed by the creativity the team's creativity. It's a big suprise nobody has thought about building something like this before.
I usually don't leave reviews for services or products, but Spekni is a great idea and I love the UI. Kudos to the team.
Great product! Kudos to the Spekni team.
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